Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries May Reach Divorce Settlement Today; NBA Star Realizes He Will Likely Not Win Case

Kim Kardashian may be the only person on the planet excited to see their ex-husband.

She and Brooklyn Nets star Kris Humphries haven't seen each other since splitting 18 months ago, but will reunite in court today as part of a settlement conference for their divorce. Sources claim that Kim is not only looking forward to seeing the NBA hotshot, but that she still loves him as a person.

The sources told TMZ that Kim has reached out to Kris numerous times since their split, but he hasn't responded. She is hoping that they'll be able to talk and settle their "unfinished business" in order to truly move on.

Kris has been fighting for an annulment of their marriage based on alleged fraud, which she has refused to go along with. Both parties have since racked up $300,000 in lawyer's fees and could spend another $200,000 if the case goes to trial. If Kim wins, she will plan to ask the judge to request that the NBA star pay her lawyer's fees as well.

It seems that Kim could be looking forward to meeting Kris because she has a clear upper hand in the divorce settlement case. Not only has he failed to provide any evidence of being defrauded by Kim, but he has also annoyed the judge in their case by no-showing at the last hearing. There's also an iron clad prenup which says that he will not get a cent from Kim if the case goes to trial and he could be socked with $1 million in attorney fees if he loses.

In short, it's a losing battle. While it's not a guarantee the case will be settled today, it does seem like things are moving in that direction. "Kris is opening his eyes a little bit, and what he sees doesn't look good," said a source.

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