Even Adele Is Excited About The New Frank Ocean Album, Will It Come Out?

The new album from Frank Ocean is still nowhere to be found and a lot of people couldn't wait to hear the previously promised "Boys Don't Cry," which was initially had a July release date.

Fans are now wondering what the "Forrest Gump" singer is up to now and what is keeping from the record from coming out.

In a report by Music Times however, it has been reported that Ocean is still active in the scene and even had a collaboration with Sebastian and Ed Banger's Pedro Winter.

Winter recently said in a statement that they recently finished production for a few songs, which probably halted the release of the supposed new Frank Ocean album.

 "Just finished the production for a few pieces for Frank Ocean," Winter reportedly said. "A very exciting collaboration - and then he can turn to his second album."

Now, fans and even artists are becoming impatient with Ocean's follow up to "Channel Orange."

In a report by Inquistr, soul singer Adele stated in a recent Rolling Stone interview how she just couldn't wait for the upcoming release.

"I'm just f**king waiting for Frank f**king Ocean to come out with his album," Adele reportedly stated. "It's taking so f**king long."

Meanwhile, in addition to new album news for Frank Ocean, a report from The Hollywood Life revealed a feud brewing up between Wale and the LGBT community and even tagging Ocean along with Wale's comments.

"If a dude was gay, man, he'd get a Grammy," Wale said. "They're going to make fun of them, they're gonna throw their Twitter jokes...but in the next three years there's probably gonna be a dude who's not even gay that's just like 'Man, this is my last resort' ...But nah, I would sign a gay rapper if he was dope. 'Go ahead man, go do that thing, go do them Versace fashion shows.'"

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