Bradley Cooper Uses Break From Filming To Visit Marathon Victims In Hospital

Famous actor and Hollywood hunk Bradley Cooper took time to visit with the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing recovering in the hospital.

On Monday a pair of brothers set off two explosions that killed 3 people and wounded 170. Bombing victim Jeffrey Bauman Jr. lost both legs as a result of the explosion. He was visited in the hospital by "Hangover" star Bradley Cooper.

Bradley Cooper along with New England Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman visited with Bauman on Thursday as well as other bombing victims recuperating in the hospital.

In a photo taken with Cooper and Edelman Jeffrey Bauman Jr. is giving the thumbs up and holding a football as Bradley Cooper and Julian Edelman lean over the bed with smiles on their faces.

Julian Edelman posted the picture on Twitter saying, ""Visited #survivor #stud #hero Jeffrey Bauman Jr. today. He was looking great and is a true inspiration. #strong"

Jeffrey Bauman is being hailed a hero for his efforts in helping catch the bombing suspects. According to the New York Post after Bauman awoke from surgery he asked his brother for a pen and paper. Still having trouble speaking from the anesthesia Bauman wrote, "bag, saw the guy, looked right at me."

The New York Post also reports that Bauman gave a full description to the FBI of the man he said dropped a bag at his feet. The description matched the photo released to the media of the suspects walking away from the marathon.

The two men responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing are brothers from Chechnya. 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shot and killed by police in a shoot out early Friday morning.

The second suspect and the younger brother of the dead bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found wounded hiding in a boat after a daylong manhunt, in which the entire city of Boston and neighboring suburbs were locked down.

Bradley Cooper was in Boston filming a new movie with his "Silver Linings Playbook" co-star Jennifer Lawrence. Filming for the movie was put on hold in the wake of Monday's bombing. Bradley Cooper used his free time to visit with bombing victims.

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