Kardashian Divorce Final At Last-- Kris Humphries Will Not Receive Money From Kardashian

Kardashian, star of the show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians", and Humphries, NBA star, have been embroiled in a bitter, protracted divorce battle for over a year....and it's finally come to a close. Final paperwork has yet to be filed, but an agreement has been reached.

During the final hearing Friday morning in Los Angeles, Kardashian, who is pregnant by boyfriend Kanye West, appeared in a black silk sequined sleeveless maternity dress. Humphries did not attend the hearing. Sheriff's deputies hustled Kardashian into court via a back entrance. The press was not allowed to take photos.

Kim and Kris were married for 72 days, but their divorce took 535 days to be finalized. They married on August 20, 2011, and separated on October 31, 2011.

The reason the case carried on for so long is, in part, because basketball star Humphries wanted an annulment rather than a divorce on the grounds that Kardashian committed fraud. Reportedly, Humphries was seeking $7 million from his now ex-wife.

Humphries consented to divorce because the judge told him he the would never prove be able to prove fraud.  The judge advised he "settle and move on".

According to the terms of the final verdict, Humphries will receive no money and each party will pay their own attorney's fees.

Humfries, who has been practicing for the NBA playoffs, did not appear in court last week for a hearing he was supposed to attend because of practice. Normally, thus, Humfries would have to pay a fine for his absence, but TMZ reports Kardashian asked the judge to drop the penalty-a rather kind action, considering the circumstances

Judge Hank M. Goldberg said "As a result of this agreement, we will not have a trial in this case. I want to congratulate the attorneys on both sides." High-profile celeb divorce attorney Laura Wasser represented Kardashian; Chris Johnson represented Humphries.

"This is a sensible way to resolve this case," Judge Goldberg said. "I wish both parties the best of luck as they move forward with their lives."

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