Kim Kardashian Calls herself A Hypocrite For Getting Pregnant Out Of Wedlock

Mom to be and reality TV star Kim Kardashian told Ryan Seacrest she is a hypocrite for getting pregnant without being married. When Kim's sister Kourtney Kardashian got pregnant out of wedlock four years ago with long time boyfriend Scott Discik Kim K had lots to say bout it.

Baby sister Kim Kardashian was vocal about her disapproval when Kourtney became pregnant for the first time. Now the middle Kardashian sister is changing her tune and telling Ryan Seacrest she is a hypocrite for judging her big sis at all.

In an E! Special airing April 21 at 9pm Kim Kardashian told Seacrest, "I've said some things that I completely am, like, a hypocrite about now."

"I would say things about Kourtney like, 'You cannot have a baby without being married,' you know," Kardashian added.

Kourtney Kardashian is now happily married to Scott Discik and the pair has since had another child.

Kim Kardashian's divorce for 72-day hubby Kris Humphries was not yet final when she started dating rap superstar Kanye West and became pregnant with his baby.

Kim Kardashian received a lot of negative attention from the media and fans when her marriage to Humphries ended after just 72 days. The wedding special on E! was seen by many as a hoax in order to boost ratings for Kardashian's reality show.

Kim maintained that the wedding was not a hoax but may have been rushed into prematurely.

In an April interview with Cosmopolitan Kim mentions she and baby daddy Kanye were thinking about getting married but neither is in any rush. Kardashian's 536-day divorce battle was finalized this week.

"Marriage is something I know that we both want in our future, but I don't have this sense of urgency," Kardashian told Cosmopolitan.


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