Reese Witherspoon Arrested: DUI Charges Against Her Husband While The Oscar Winner Was Charged With Disorderly Conduct

Reese Witherspoon was arrested Friday morning and charged with disorderly conduct while allegedly disrupting the arrest of her husband, Hollywood agent James Tooth, who was driving and being pulled over and charged with a driving under the influence.

"You are going to be on national news," Witherspoon allegedly told a Georgia state trooper as he handcuffed her on Atlanta's Peachtree Road early Friday morning.

Trooper First Class J. Pyland's note on the arrest has spread throughout the internet.  

Witherspoon, who is in Atlanta to make a movie titled "The Good Lie," is charged with interfering with Pyland's arrest of her husband, according to CNN.

"Mrs. Witherspoon began to hang out the window and say that she did not believe that I was a real police officer," Pyland wrote. "I told Mrs. Witherspoon to sit on her butt and be quiet."

Witherspoon, 37, allegedly did not follow his order, getting out of the Ford Fusion instead of staying in the car. She got out and allegedly said she can "stand on American ground."

"I put my hands on Mrs. Witherspoon's arms to arrest her," Pyland wrote. "Mrs. Witherspoon was resistant but I was able to put handcuffs on her without incident due to Mr. Toth calming her."

"Do you know my name?" he said Witherspoon asked. "I answered, 'No, I don't need to know your name.'"

"You're about to find out who I am," she replied, the arrest report said.

The academy award winner had to spend the night in jail and was released along with her husband Saturday morning. He allegedly blew a blood-alcohol level of .139, which is above the legal limit of .08. 

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