Authorities Attempting to Speak With Katherine Russell, Wife of Slain Boston Bombing Suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev

The 24-year-old wife of the dead Boston Bombing suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, is being questioned in relation to the bombings during the Boston Marathon. Katherine Russell, Tsarnaev's wife, has been staying with her parents in North Kingstown, R.I. since her husband was implicated and the police gave chase, eventually gunning him down on Thursday night. But the federal authorities visited her parent's home in Rhode Island on Sunday night in an attempt to talk to Katherine about her husband's activities leading up to the fateful day and in the ensuing days as they tracked him down.

The family attorney, Amato DeLuca, spoke with authorities instead, as DeLuca told the Associated Press on Sunday evening.

"I spoke to them, and that's all I can say right now. We're deciding what we want to do and how we want to approach this."

DeLuca did not offer up any other information about what the authorities wanted to ask Russell, or whether she's at all involved in the brutal bombings, but he did provide more information on Tamerlan Tsarnaev's movements the days after the bombings.

DeLuca said "he was home" when his wife Katherine left for work on the last day he was alive. When probed further about whether anything seemed off about him on that day, DeLuca responded, "Not as far as I know." DeLuca added that Russell learned her husband was a suspect by seeing it on television.

The lawyer added that Katherine had been working 70-80 hour weeks every day as a home health care worker, and that Tamerlan had stayed home to care for their 3-year-old daughter.

"When this allegedly was going on, she was working, and had been working all week to support her family," DeLuca told the AP.

Miller had met the slightly older Tsarnaev while attending Suffolk University in Boston. They were introduced at a popular nightclub and married in 2009 or 2010.

Katherine was raised in a Christian household, but converted to Islam when she married Tsarnaev. Of the religious switch, DeLuca said, "She believes in the tenets of Islam and of the Koran. She believes in God."

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