US Golfers Pull Out Of Championship Held in South Korea Due To Tensions On Korean Peninsula

US pro golfers Dustin Johnson and Zach Johnson have pulled out of the Ballantine's Championship scheduled to take place Thursday in South Korea. The US golfers pulled out due to the rising tensions on the Korean peninsula.

North Korea has been making a lot of threats against South Korea, saying they will launch a nuclear attack against the South. The North Koreans also said they would attack South Korea's allies including the US and Japan.

The North Koreans have been making threats for weeks, ever since the United Nations placed a sanction on the communist nation, barring them from conducting nuclear tests. North Korea ignored the sanction and tested nuclear missiles soon after.

A large portion of the world sees the threats by North Korea's leader Kim Jong-Un as rhetoric, but there are some that believe the young leader is looking to prove a point - that North Korea cannot be bullied - and will do so in a violent way.

"Ballantine's is disappointed to announce that Dustin Johnson and Zach Johnson have informed us they will no longer be attending the Ballantine's Championship," according to a statement from the tourney organizers found on "They have reached this decision following perceived unrest on the Korean Peninsula and can no longer assure their commitment to this year's event."

Despite the threats by North Korea and the US golfers pulling out the Ballantine's Championship will go on as scheduled. The highest ranked golfer at the tournament will be South Africa's Louis Oosthuizen, ranked at number 7.

The Ballantine's Championship offers a prize pot of 2.88 million dollars.

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