'Tokyo Ghoul' Season 3 Out By Winter 2016; Details Of First Episode Revealed!

Fans of the "Tokyo Ghoul" anime series will finally see the continuation of the events from season 2 as "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 is now officially confirmed.

In a report by Anime Maru, "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 will air in winter 2016 and the spotlight will switch on Touka Kirishima as she tries to move on to the next chapter of her life by going to college. Also, Madhouse will be taking the helm from here on out, replacing Studio Pierrot.

Madhouse anime writer Bob said that this is the darkest anime plot-wise they have got their hands on. The studio is also the producer of hit anime "Death Note"

"This is perhaps the most disillusioning, psychological and darkest plot line that we will attempt to adapt" according to the writer from Madhouse. "We hope to remain as faithful as possible to the source material, although we cannot guarantee that more gory scenes such as Touka's standardized exam test-taking will not be censored."

Also, Anime Maru gave a glimpse on how the first episode will go. According to the website, Touka will be contemplating on which college she should go whether Kamii University, To-Oh University or Duke University over at the United States.

"The first episode exclusively available to Anime Maru staff features monologue where Touka laments her distress over choosing between Kamii University, To-Oh University, and Duke University. However, with the rise in racial tensions in the United States and the recent incident of a noose found hanging at Duke, the fear of ghoul discrimination is particularly omnipresent," as stated in the website.

There are also rumors that Touka's hair will turn white by the end of "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3, same as what happened to Ken Kaneki. However, there are no confirmation about this rumor yet so take it with a grain of salt.

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