N. Korea Missile Launchers: Reports Indicate That DPRK Moves Two More Missile Launchers

The N. Korea missile launchers and its movements that has kept the world buzzing about the threat of a nuclear strike by the communist country was reported to have a new position Sunday.

According to a South Korean news agency, North Korea has moved two short-range missile launchers to its east coast, apparently indicating it is pushing ahead with preparations for a test launch.

In a report by Reuters, South Korea and its allies have been expecting some sort of North Korean missile launch during weeks of heightened hostility on the Korean peninsula.

Information from an unidentified South Korean military source disclosed to South Korea’s Yonhap news agency provided satellite imagery that showed North Korean forces had moved two mobile missile launchers for short-range Scud missiles to its South Hamgyeong province.

According to the source, "The military is closely watching the North's latest preparations for a missile launch.”

The North moved two mid-range Musudan missiles in earlier this month and moved seven mobile launchers in the same area, according to Yonhap. A North Korean show of force could be staged to coincide with the anniversary of the founding of its army on April 25.

A South Korean Defense Ministry official said he could not confirm the news report and shared that there had been no sign of unusual activity in the North. North Korea fairly regularly test-fires short-range missiles in the sea off its east coast based on former trends seen by the department.

The communist country stepped up its defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions in December when it launched a rocket that it said had put a scientific satellite into orbit. According to critics, the launch was aimed at developing technology to deliver a nuclear warhead mounted on a long-range missile.

The North followed such act of defiance with a third test of a nuclear weapon, which occurred February. The test brought new U.N. sanctions, which in turn led to a dramatic intensification of North Korea’s threats of nuclear strikes against South Korea and the United States.

Tension has eased over recent days with the North at least broaching the possibility of a dialogue in response to calls for talks between the United States and South Korea.

On Saturday, North Korea repeated that it would not give up its nuclear weapons, rejecting a U.S. condition for talks but said it was willing to discuss disarmament.

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