TV Anchor Fired For Cursing On Air; Social Media Says He Deserves Second Chance [VIDEO]

TV anchor AJ Clemente was fired his first day on the job for cursing on the air, not realizing his microphone was live.

The fired TV anchor worked one day for KFYR, a North Dakota TV station. The video of Clemente looking completely unaware he was on the air as he worked off his first day jitters by saying, "F**king, S**t" has gone viral. Those that saw the video say the TV anchor should be given a second chance.

The newscast opens with the station's logo and a voice over saying, "The evening report Sunday on NBC North Dakota News." As the logo fades away you see TV anchors Van Tieu and AJ Clemente. Tieu is aware they are live but Clemente is not. Before Tieu can get out her "Good evening" opening, Clemente had already dropped his F-bomb.

Obviously rattled by her soon to be fired co-anchor's swearing Tieu tried keep the broadcast going and not mention what just happened. She introduces Clemente as her new weekend co-anchor and asks that he tell the audience a little about himself.

Trying hard, but failing to hide his nerves, Clemente told Tieu he graduated from West Virginia University and was used to being on the East coast.

The pair continued with the broadcast, and afterwards the fired TV anchor went on his Twitter saying, "That couldn't have gone any worse."

He followed that tweet up with others saying, "Tough day, thanks for the support, we all make mistakes, I'm truly sorry for mine. I'll try my hardest to come back better and learn from this."

The fired TV anchor also used his twitter to apologize for mispronouncing the name of the London Marathon winner, Tsegaye Kebede. People accused the anchor of calling the winner of the race "gay."

"I just want to say that I did not say the word gay, I was trying to pronounce the London marathon winner's name...I would never disrespect anybody in that matter. Once again I am truly sorry."

Later that day AJ Clemente was back on Twitter saying, "Unfortunately KFYRTV has decided to let me go. Thank you to them and everyone in ND for the opportunity and everyone for the support."

Comments left on Clemente's Twitter suggest people believe the fired TV anchor was a victim of human error and nerves. The comments say he should be given a second chance.

On YouTube Blair Masschelein said, "Priceless. Fell sorry for him. Just nerves. Give him another chance."

"He was obviously nervous. For some people cursing actually works as a stress reliever," says YouTube user EpicsliceOfcake.

On Twitter, followers of the fired TV anchor left messages. "Better luck next time fella. Don't sweat it," said Rob Port.

Erika Leigh posted, "Big Papi dropped the f-bomb yesterday and survived the FCC. It'll get better."

AJ Clemente seems to be taking his on air blunder with a grain of salt. He called his F-bomb on Twitter a rookie mistake and referred to himself as a "free agent." Clemente also thanked his Twitter followers for their words of support.

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