Muslims Help Foil Al Qaeda Terror Plot Targeting Canadian Passenger Train

The Canadian news outlet CTV reported Tuesday that a community of Muslims in Canada helped foil a terrorist plot to attack the Maple leaf Amtrak Train.

The plot to derail the passenger train was said to be supported by Al Qaeda cells in Iran. The Muslims in Canada that helped foil the terror plot called in a tip about 2 suspicious looking men. The tip led to the arrest of the terror suspects and foiled the plot to kill thousands of innocent Canadians that travel on the transcontinental passenger train.

A leader of the Muslim community in Canada, Hussein Hamdani told, "This is something that I hope all Canadians understand, that the Muslim community in Canada is a partner in making Canada more safe and secure."

Since the deadly attacks on the United States by a group of radicalized Muslims, the entire Muslim community in the Western world has had to deal with eye of suspicion.

Like the Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the entire Muslim community is often blamed for the attacks of 9/11 and all that followed. Muslim communities in the US and abroad have been working hard to regain their peaceful reputations.

The act of the Muslim community in Canada that helped foil the terror plot aided in the global attempt by Muslims to let the rest of the world know the act of a single individual or small group does not reflect the ideas of the whole community.

In a press conference that was held after the terror plot was revealed, Hamdani told the Canadian media, "There's a reason why the RCMP called the leaders of the Muslim community."

"These meetings send a powerful message to Muslims in Canada: police aren't intentionally targeting them," said Muslim leader Muhammad Robert Heft.

The Muslim leaders are happy that they were able to foil this terror plot that would have no doubt left hundreds dead or injured. They say they are able to go back to their communities and tell Muslims they are safe and not a target for police.

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