Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, Wife Of Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Refuses To Speak With FBI

Katherine Russell Tsarnaev is the wife of the dead terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of two brothers responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15. Katherine Russell Tsarnaev is the subject of many stories in the news today. She is a 21-year-old college drop out, Islamic convert and the mother of Tamerlan Tsarnaev's daughter.

She is making headline for her refusal to speak with the FBI about what she may or may not know about her husband and brother-in-law's plans to set off a bomb at the Boston Marathon.

Right now, Katherine Russell Tsarnaev is hiding out at her parents Rhode Island home. The 21-year-old is the daughter of a Christian doctor and nurse. Friends from Katherine's high school days say the no longer recognize the once talented and outspoken art student turned doting Islamic wife.

According to the Daily Mail, while in high school Katherine Russell dreamed of graduating college and joining the Peace Corps. The Huffington Post spoke with a former teacher of Katherine's. The teacher said, "The reason why I remember her is she was very nice and very smart," art teacher Amos Trout Paine said. "She was ready to learn."

The teacher explained that Katherine Russell was "neutral" when it came to matters of religion. "There was none of that with her," Paine told Huffington Post.

After high school Katherine Russell moved on to college at Suffolk University in Boston and majored in communications. While a student at Suffolk, Katherine met a young aspiring boxer and her entire personality would change as a result.

Russell met Tsarnaev while attending college and began what is described as an intense relationship. Katherine Russell would marry Tsarnaev and drop out of school. She gave up on any post-high school dreams she once married, instead devoting her life to Tsarnaev and Islam.

It seems nothing could shake Katherine's faith in her husband, not even his violent assault on her. The police responded to an incident at the Tsarnaev home. Apparently Tsarnaev beat his wife, who described him to police as "a very nice man."

"She was a very sweet woman, but I think kind of brainwashed by him," said a friend of Katherine Russell Tsarnaev to the Huffington Post.

The FBI went to the home of Katherine Russell Tsarnaev's parents and spoke with the terrorist's widow. Her lawyer Amato DeLuca told the media he could not discuss what they FBI wanted with Katherine or what questions they asked her.

What he did say was Katherine Russell Tsarnaev was working on the day of the bombing. Tamerlan Tsarnaev stayed home with their daughter while Katherine worked to support the family.

The FBI is likely trying to figure out how much Katherine knew about the bombing and if the brothers were part of a larger terrorist cell.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev's younger brother is not yet able to speak to police or FBI investigators. He is recovering in the hospital from a self-inflicted wound to the throat.

Since Katherine Russell Tsarnaev's identity was released on Friday, she has been the topic of many online discussions. Public opinion seems to believe that Katherine knew more about the Boston bombing than what she is letting on.

The friend that told the Huffington Post she believed Tsarnaev brainwashed his wife also said Katherine's home was so small had her husband been making bombs there, she had to have known.

Some comments taken from various media website include:

"They need to throw her in a cage until she talks. Living in cramped quarters, she knew or heard something. The baby should be given to her parents until she speaks. She is an adult who chose this man and his lifestyle. Hate cannot be hidden, she knows something," says username Shaneinps.

"She left her kid with her husband who was building bombs and she had no idea? I don't buy it," read a comment on hollywoodlife.com.

A post on the Dailey News website says, "It is hard to believe she knew nothing of his murderous intentions."

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