Donald Trump Anti Windfarm Ad Campaign Banned In Scotland By The Standards Agency

Donald Trump's Scottish Ad campaign against plans for a windfarm near his Scottish hotel has been banned on the grounds that it was misleading.

Trump claims the windfam will ruin the view from his £750m golf resort in Menie, Aberdeenshire and "tourism will suffer and mar Scotland's beauty."

Trump International Golf Club Scotland ran ads in Dundee's Courier, The Aberdeen's Press and Journal newspapers with the line "Is this the future for Scotland?" alongside a picture of the controversial windfarms.

The standards agency said the Trump resort had been told not to make claims that could not be proven and not to use "misleading imagery," after 21 complaints were made to the agency including one from a member of the Scottish parliament.

The ads were "misleading" because the image he shows is not the exact replica of the windfarm plans and Trump could not hold up the allegations that they will jeopardize tourism in Scotland.

The ad also featured a picture of Scottish first minister Alex Salmond smiling below the text: "This is the same mind that backed the release of terrorist al-Megrahi, 'for humane reasons' - after he ruthlessly killed 270 people on Pan-Am flight 103 over Lockerbie. Take action. Write, demonstrate and protest Alex Salmond."

This disturbed readers that thought a reference to the Lockerbie bombing was offensive and inappropriate.

"The ad must not appear again in its current form," the Standards Agency warned.  "We told Trump International Golf Club Scotland Ltd not to make claims unless they could be substantiated with robust evidence and not to use misleading imagery."

Trump, always the businessman, has no interest in the environment and landscape of Scotland. He's just worried about money and the future of his hotel business and his motives are transparent.  Do you agree?

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