'The Perfect Insider' Anime Episode 8 Review: Saikawa Is On The Right Path

Episode 8 "Purple Dawn"

This week's episode of "The Perfect Insider" is more an exploration of the inner workings of how various characters think rather than any major advances in plot. Some would likely find this kind of structure less than interesting as say something like Episode four where it seemed things kept happening left and right.

But the thing about "The Perfect Insider" is that while it is a mystery/thriller, it is even more so a philosophical look at humanity in all its flaws.

The highlight this week was certainly the developing relationship between Saikawa and Nishinosono, who both are finding confidence in each other and in-turn, finding confidence in themselves. Immeiately, Nishinosono is much bolder with her feelings, choosing to physically show her feelings for Saikawa more blatantly by holding his hand and touching him.

In response, Saikawa can finally begin to talk to Nishinosono about their past, admitting subtly that he remembers trying to comfort her about her parents. Saikawa is still pretty shut off, but it's likely on purpose that this episode has the word "dawn" in the title. It's a new day for the pair as they move forward with the mystery.

On that note, Saikawa is characterized as even more sophisticated than the average human with his deduction of how the murders occurred. He briefly mentions that he sees the path before he can walk through his thoughts. The fact that he visualizes information this way is a highlight of how deeply the series explores the way humans think and process events.

Every character reveals little quirks about how they think: Nishinosono's thoughts are often making sense of randomness, Saikawa likes to visualize the steps to the goal and then make his way through the information.

But how does one Dr. Magata think, since it appears that there are several people living insider her?

It would appear the key to Dr. Magata's thoughts, her own reasoning for murder, and her murder, is locked within the mysterious phrase that is also the subtitle to the show.

Everything is F.

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