Pippa Middleton Wants To Find Boyfriend Through Duchess Kate Business Venture Post Nico Jackson?

Pippa Middleton and her sister Duchess Kate Middleton got on the news when their organic baby food business plan got revealed to the public. But what the public may not know yet is that Pippa Middleton may be doing this to find a new boyfriend after her breakup with Nico Jackson!

Good thing that at least this business venture will help Pippa and Duchess Kate put their drama behind them!

According to a source from Vanity Fair, "She and Pippa are thinking about launching their own line of organic baby food as well as a range of nourishing ready meals for adults. At the moment it's a bit of a pipe dream, but they are both really into organic produce."

If this comes to fruition, Pippa Middleton will end up meeting a lot more eligible men through the business planning.

Recently Pippa Middleton found another effective way to cope with Nico Jackson breakup - the boxing ring! Looks like Duchess' sister is planning on punching her way through emotional distress.

According to Daily Mail, "Pippa Middleton describes it as 'a pure but pleasing agony', singer Ellie Goulding says it gives her stamina on stage and the supermodels on the catwalk at last week's Victoria's Secret lingerie show in New York swear by it to give them their honed bodies. Boxing has become the new punishing fitness regime for the world's most beautiful women, who are eschewing the emaciated 'waif' look in favour of washboard stomachs and defined, muscular legs."

Seeing how Duchess Kate Middleton's sister is known for competing all sorts of sporting races, from sailing to cycling, this boxing thing may not be just a fitness craze. We might actually see her in a ring soon!

On top of boxing, she may be thinking about moving to America to escape from Nico Jackson breakup. Crossing the pond may give her a fresh new start.

Also the fact that her relationship with Duchess Kate Middleton has not been the best might give her the push she needs to make the big move.

According to National Inquirer, "Princess Kate is furious with little sister Pippa Middleton, who is blaming the Royals for her failed career, palace insiders revealed."

But with this new business, Kate and Pippa are probably trying to strengthen their relationship!

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