James Franco Spends Thanksgiving With Family Not Lana Del Rey Or Other Girlfriend Candidates

James Franco spent this Thanksgiving being grateful with his family, not with Lana Del Rey or any other girlfriend material. In fact, James Franco may have been the only male Hollywood start to have steered clear of any girlfriend Thanksgiving drama this year.

According to his Instagram, he looked happier than ever spending time with his mother this holiday season. Looks like the actor has his heart in the right place.

James Franco probably realized that it's about time that he stopped chasing after Lana Del Rey via Instagram. The fact that she has already been snatched up by an Italian means that James Franco should invest his efforts on a more productive avenues like his new show and poems.

According to USA Today, James Franco began his promotion of his new Hulu show. "The show is an adaptation of the Stephen King novel of the same name where a man travels back in time to try to prevent Kennedy's assassination. It's being produced by J.J. Abrams, so the trailer isn't showing us much, but we do get a lot of very concerned looks from Franco and some sweet 60s fashion."

He also has been getting more and more literary. His latest poem about global warming on Instagram is his latest endeavor in the world of wordsmiths. Before releasing his new creation, he also participated at a literature awards ceremony. According to the Hollywood Reporter, "The 25th Annual Literary Awards festival put on by PEN Center USA will take place on Nov. 16 at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, with a slew of talent slated to present and attend... James Franco will deliver remarks on PEN Center's free expression advocacy work."

With college experience under his wings, James Franco probably feels qualified to give this speech at the literary event.

He has been doing things like this to attract Lana Del Rey's attention, but he hasn't been successful so far.

But that doesn't mean that he has limited himself of all the beautiful women of Hollywood. James Franco recently shook the world of Instagram when he debuted a selfie with the face of Emma Watson tattooed on his neck. Of course, this was a big hoax, per James Franco tradition on Instagram, but this may start a flirting trend with Emma Watson, recently single.

Do you think James Franco will have girlfriend drama over Christmas?

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