What A Boob: American Airlines Apologizes For Humiliating Indiana Mom For Breast Pump; Dawn Brahos Said She Was Forbidden To Pump On Flight

What a boob. American Airlines has released a statement apologizing to Indiana mom Dawn Brahos for being humilated by a flight attendant when trying to use a breast pump on a recent trip. Brahos said she was loudly forbidden by a flight attendant to use her breast pump during her flight, describing the American Airlines worker as "loud and cold and argumentative."

"We apologize for the experience Ms. Brahos had on a recent flight. Our in-flight personnel are trained to handle these situations with professionalism and discretion. American does not have a policy prohibiting the use of breast pumps in-flight," said American Airlines spokeswoman Andrea Huguely.

Brahos was forbidden to use her breast pump on a flight from San Diego to Chicago on April 18. When she explained to the flight attendant that she had used it before on two occasions, the worker loudly told her that she was mistaken.

"The flight attendant wasn't discreet at all. She came back three times to my seat and was really loud about it. She was like, 'You absolutely cannot pump,'" said Brahos. "She was just dismissing any possibility of me resolving my situation. She got angry with me and then wasn't willing to give me her name. At least a third of the plane knew my business. I could see them talking amongst themselves."

The Indiana mom said American Airlines had been more than cooperative about her using the breast pump on two previous flights that week. Company policy says that Medela pumps are allowed on all American Airlines flight, while a different pump would have required pre-approval.

Brahos said she hopes that all American Airlines workers are made clear of the guidelines regarding breast pumps on flights.

"Pumping is already awkward and uncomfortable enough without having to worry about the individual discretion of whoever happens to be working that day. It's not like you can fight with a flight attendant these days."

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