McDonalds Could Offer All Day Breakfast And Delivery Service To Loyal Customers

The president and CEO of McDonald's, Don Thompson did an interview with CNBC and explained the changes that the Mickey-D's corporation is making, including an all day breakfast option.

"Yes, we would consider it," Thompson told CNBC. "We have the focus on our existing menu, but we have looked at breakfast across the day. We have it in some markets around the world."

The McDonalds all day breakfast idea would make customers of the franchise happy, especially those with young kids. Who can forget the scene in the Adam Sandler movie "Big Daddy" where the kid (and the adult) has a fit because the pair was a few minutes late for McDonald's breakfast service?

The McDonald's chain may be one of the most popular in the world but the restaurant had fierce competition in the form or Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell and more. By offering an all day breakfast Mickey-D's can keep a leg up on competitors like Wendy's who only recently began to offer a limited breakfast menu.

Thompson also told CNBC McDonald's was thinking of adding a delivery service for its restaurants. Competitor Burger King began a popular delivery service in Washington DC and it quickly spread to Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York City, and San Francisco.

"We have tests already all around the world, making steps and strides to experiment both in mobile payments and consumer engagement with the company," Thompson told CNBC.

Thompson also told CNBC that in the future customers might see a "Loyalty Rewards Program," but did not give details as to what the program might consist of.

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