Apple New Products Categories Likely To Hit Markets Fall And Throughout 2014, CEO Tim Cook Describes “Exciting New Product Categories” In The Works

Apple says new product categories could be hitting the market soon! The announcement came to both the delight and sorrow of certified gadget fan, according to CNN’s Brandon Griggs.

Starting off with the bad news, Apple CEO Tim Cook said Tuesday during the company’s quarterly earnings call that the tech giant is unlikely to release a major new product until fall, Griggs reported. This would mean that the company known for rolling out new products every three or four months, will take almost an entire year – an eternity for the hi-tech industry according to Griggs – without launching a new gadget.

But, the good thing is, Cook said that Apple will be launching some “exciting new product categories.”

As the most-watched tech company in the world, and probably the most celebrated corporation across any industry, Apple’s every comments is dissected, analyzed and diced for deeper meaning. Numerous observers say that those four words – “exciting new product categories” – shows that Apple is moving beyond laptops, phones and tablets and into other areas of computing. Some are speculating of a “smartwatch” that could display messages or the eternally rumored connected TV.

Cook said during the call, "Our teams are hard at work on some amazing new hardware, software and services, and we are very excited about the products in our pipeline,we can't wait to introduce (them) this fall and throughout 2014."

The move could be a way for Apple to reenergize is immense cult following, thousands of whom line up to buy whatever new gadget the company makes and maybe impatiently hungry for new ones.

Cook, however, made a similar comment in 2012. He said that Apple was working to deliver “some products that will blow your mind.” However, what followed after the “mind blowing” comment were the typical updates for the Macs and iPods, as well as an iPhone 5 and the iPad Mini. Definitely solid products, but not groundbreaking in any sense, said Griggs.

Tech blogs reacted quick to Cook’s comments, with Darrell Etherington from Techcrunch saying, "Apple almost never spills any beans about what its product plans are, so it's worth getting excited about fall based on Tim's willingness to talk about that specific period, as well as his mention of 'new product categories. Still, unless he's purposefully trying to throw us off the scent, people eager for new Apple products might also want to sleep through the summer."

Slate’s Will Oremus found Cook’s new approach to be different from his predecessor Steve Jobs, "In the past, Apple didn't have to promise exciting new things. It just delivered them."

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