Blogger Under Fire For Saying Kelsey Williams Is “Too Chunky” To Be NBA Cheerleader

Kelsey Williams is a cheerleader for the NBA's Oklahoma City Thunder. Williams was the target of blogger Claire Crawford who said the blonde beauty was "too chunky" to be a cheerleader.

Claire Crawford took to her blog after the Oklahoma City thunder took on the Houston Rockets.

In her blog Crawford wrote, "The Rockets looked terrible in Game 1, but some say they weren't the only bad-looking people on the court," referring to cheerleader Kelsey Williams.

The original blog posted on the CBS Houston website was taken down but not before a number of other media outlets criticized the blogger for her comment about Kelsey Williams.

ABC News says the Crawford called Williams a pretty blonde before tearing the cheerleader down for the "pudginess" around her mid section.

Crawford goes on to patronize Kelsey Williams; you can almost hear the sarcasm ooze off the page,

"But if she's comfortable wearing that tiny outfit and dancing for NBA fans, then good for her," Crawford said. "Besides...not every man likes women to be toothpick skinny. I'd say most men prefer a little extra meat on her bones."

Since her post went public Claire Crawford has been getting a lot of negative attention for her comments about Kelsey Williams' weight. Most comments say that Crawford's comments were uncalled for and that she doesn't know what she is talking about. A few posts defended Crawford saying she was doing her job by reporting what she saw.

Kelsey Williams tastefully responded to Crawford's blog via Twitter saying, "To be womanly always, discouraged never."

On the same day Williams posted a tweet thanking people for their support saying she was blessed and "in awe" over the amount of support she has received.

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