N Korea Charges American Man With Plot To Overthrow The Government

Kenneth Bae an American man is being charged by N Korea for plotting to overthrow the government. If convicted Bae faces the death penalty.

Tensions between the US and N Korea have been rising in recent weeks. N Korea has made threats to launch a nuclear attack on the US and now that N Korea has charged the American man with planning to overthrow the government the situation has been made worse.

Kenneth Bae has been in N Korean custody since November 2012.

Airforcetimes.com says, "The exact nature of his alleged crimes has not been revealed, but North Korea accuses Bae, described as a tour operator, of seeking to overthrow North Korea's leadership."

The Korean Central News Agency, N Korea's leading news outlet released a statement Saturday saying, "In the process of investigation he admitted that he committed crimes aimed to topple the DPRK with hostility toward it. He will soon be taken to the Supreme Court of the DPRK to face judgment."

The United States and N Korea do not have diplomatic relations so the Airforcetimes.com says, "the Swedish Embassy in N Korea represents the United States in legal proceedings."

The United States government is aware that there is an American citizen about to face trail in N Korea.  There is no further information on how the US plans to help the man trapped in N Korea.

It is a delicate situation. Although the threats of a nuclear attack from N Korea are seen largely as rhetoric some news outlets have said that the mysterious leader of N Korea, Kim Jong Un is looking to prove the military prowess of N Korea. Officials also believe he has a hair trigger and could be easily provoked.

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