Kanye West Agrees To Perform On SNL Finale..."If You Don't Make Fun Of My Pregnant Kim Kardashian!"

Kanye West is set to appear as the musical guest for the May 18th season finale of Saturday Night Live, but apparently is worried that the comedy sketch show will make fun of his pregnant girlfriend Kim Kardashian.

Rapper Kanye West, 35, is scheduled to perform alongside host Ben Affleck.

Kim and the whole Kardashain gang are good sports about the frequent SNL spoofs of the family, but apparently Kanye does not find it humorous.

SNL writers are treading a fine line between making the show funny, and not bothering Kanye.  They most likely will take digs at the famous reality star, but they want to keep the script respectful.  They will push it as far as they possibly can.

Normally the writers have free reign and just go as far as a joke takes them, but there has to be some boundaries when your musical guest is Kanye and he's super sensitive about the constant Kim bashing.

There is a possibility of a skit where Kim and Kanye both get a cameo, making both SNL and Kanye's camp happy.

It's not yet clear if Nasim Pedrad will reprise her impression of seven month pregnant Kim, which consists of whines and ditzy comments.  It would probably be in SNL's best interest to ditch the parody not only to keep the peace with Kanye, but the repetitive joke is no longer funny or fresh.  It lost its lust after the first 10 seconds.  We get it, Kim's a ditz...let' move on.

Really hoping that SNL makes fun of Kim, and Kanye has a hissy fit, like he's commonly known to do.  Now that would make great Live TV after years of SNL snoozefests.

See the previous SNL spoof of Kanye and Kim.

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