Psy and the Child Within, 'Power of the Arts'

After the viral reception that Psy's music has gotten yet again, we can be sure that Psy was able to move a common element within the people across the globe.

In Psy's music video of "Gentleman," we see the sad reality of modern day employees working tirelessly to fulfill the needs of their bosses, represented by the entourage of old men who carry Psy's shopping bags.

We also witness childish pranks pulled on women and ruthless objectification of the female body. Some have raised objections, calling such portrayal of women degrading. Perhaps, they missed the whole point of the music video. In it, Psy is an innocent, albeit mean, little boy who is curious about sexuality, unaware of moral consequences and devoid of mature character. To talk what is politically correct or not would defeat the purpose of the music video.

Psy has made an amazing accomplishment and has much more in store for him. With Jo Yong Pil, the legend of Korean pop music, making a successful return earlier this month in his 60s, Psy has a role model to look up to. Like Jo Yong Pil or Bob Dyan, Psy can aim to continue to morph into different style of an artist to speak the truth that needs to be heard by the public at the given period. Bob Dylan's body of work ranged from rock and roll, gospel songs, electric music and jazz to literary works.

There is a tremendous amount of talent in music, art, literature and entertainment underground that has not seen the light of day simply due to the public's lack of access to those who are without connections to step on to the big stage. In order one's culture to flourish in diversity and depth, raw talents such as those need to be excavated and utilized to enrich the public which too often falls into the monotonous repeating of the same and the old.

Arts yield a sword more powerful than the military and speak louder than public discourse on politics and morality.

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