The Beatles Songs On Streaming Services? Industry Sources Points To Different Directions

When it comes to genre defining songs, very little band could place their names at par with The Beatles. The record setting band from England have recorded songs that would practically live on forever and their remaining band members still draw crowds anywhere they play.

But the latest rumors could change the scenery of streaming services. Billboard reported that the songs from the beloved band could be available by December 24 (talk about a proper Christmas present). The rumor indicates that it will be available not just in one but different "streaming platforms" which means major players in streaming services would offer songs of The Beatles in the next few days.

Here's the interesting part: the specific streaming services that will be given the privilege of offering The Beatles' music online is still unknown. Even the response of streaming services has been cryptic as they range from "no comment" to no response at all. No one denied or dismissed the news so far.

The complete catalog of The Beatles is practically the "holy grail" of streaming services for a simple reason: unlike many artists who opted to avoid one streaming service for various reasons, The Beatles do not have any agreement with the biggest streaming services in the world because of adaptability. According to Engadget, "Paul McCartney was once down on the whole idea of streaming, he changed his mind on that a long, long time ago..."

Now that the rumor is out, the only question remains is which song would actually set the streaming records on its release? The Metro even asked if the band could beat Justin Bieber's 'What Do You Mean?' single that became the most streamed song." If The Beatles do release their songs for streaming, "Hey Jude," "Let It Be" and "Yesterday" are strong contenders for the top spot.

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