Twins Born In Ireland 87 Days Apart Set Guinness World Record[VIDEO]

Twin Irish babies were born 87 days apart, breaking the guiness world record of "longest interval between the birth of twins." 

The previous record was 84 days.

The fact that even one of the babies survived the ordeal is nothing short of a miracle.

Doctors described their survival as "medical equivalent of a lottery win" and said they "had never seen anything like it in their careers."

Babie Amy was born prematurely and weighed only 1 pound.  Doctors told mother Maria, 34, that the baby probably would not make it.  The doctors waited for baby Katie to be born following her sister, but the strangest thing happened; her contractions stopped.  Everyone was puzzled and troubled.

"It should have been a joyful time but it was horrific. I had one baby in intensive care and one baby still inside me clinging to life. It was like being hit by a bus. I felt what the hell is happening. I remember shouting to nurses: "It's not supposed to be like this," Maria recalls.

Doctors made the decision to try to induce Maria the following day. 

"They tried to induce me the next day but nothing happened. After hours, Chris and I said 'Enough is enough. Let nature take it's course.'"

And they waited in the hospital a staggering 87 days.

Maria said "I made up my mind I would not be leaving the hospital unless it was with both my girls.  Even if it meant I had to lie in bed for the full three months I had left of my pregnancy I would do what ever it took to."

It was four days before a still pregnant Maria could see her first-born twin Amy as she was in intensive care. 

"She was covered in tubes but all I could see was her mass of black hair."

When Maria held baby Amy for the first time, baby Katie in the womb immediately reacted. She kicked and started moving, as if she knew her sister was there. The second time she held Amy she turned and put her head towards her sister inside the womb.

Labor was induced and baby Katie was finally born.  She was totally healthy and needed no medical care.  When the babies saw each other for the first time out of the womb they were smiling at each other.

Maria exclaims "I'm so thankful and grateful. It was meant to be...for whatever reason. I'm so honoured to have had these two girls that are so special. For all of us to be here, could I be any luckier?'"

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