Lindsay Lohan Puffs On Cigarette While Getting Her Car At Pound; Was Towed On Saturday In Brooklyn[VIDEO]

Lindsay Lohan puffs on a cigarette as she picks up her Porsche after getting her car towed for 'illegal parking' In Brooklyn, New York. The luxury vehicle was towed and then impounded by police officers on Saturday night.

The actress was spotted picking up one of her expensive cars from the tow pound on Monday.

The Liz & Dick star was sporting a white blouse under a khaki jacket, along with skintight black leather trousers and matching ankle boots.

A female friend gave her a lift to pick up her car.

Lindsay brought paperwork with her to the building and after paying the tow fee, was driven to collect the Porsche in a police car.

Despite the hassle LiLo seemed to be in a good mood and was seen smiling.

The incident comes just days before Lohan is due to enter a rehab facility on Thursday as part of her court-ordered treatment after pleading no contest to charges relating to a car crash in California last summer. Great timing Lindsay!

The "Mean Girls" star has a thing for Porsches. But like fame, liquor and drugs, the expensive and powerful German cars have brought her nothing but trouble.

Back in March 2012, Lohan accidentally hit the manager of a Hollywood bar while she was trying to get away from swarming paparazzi in a new $80,000 Porsche.

Then last June, Lohan totaled a loaner two-door Porsche Carrera after colliding with a dump truck on the Pacific Coast Highway.

Lohan escaped with bumps and bruises, but her assistant had to be hospitalized, and tried to save her boss by claiming she had actually been driving.

But cops smelled a rat and later charged Lohan with lying to an officer, reckless driving and obstructing an investigation.

Lohan, who already had two DUI's on her rap sheet and was on probation for shoplifting, decided in March not to risk a trial. She agreed to a plea deal that required 90 days in lockdown rehab, which she is supposed to do while in New York.

Before leaving, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge James Dabney in California gave her some advice:

"A suggestion: Don't drive. You're in New York. You don't need to drive."

OMG LiLo! Stop driving in my neighborhood! This girl has an entitlement chip on her shoulder that needs to rub off. Take the NYC subway like the rest of us do. It'll do you some good. Do you agree?

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