Lindsay Lohan Misses Flight To Rehab, Packs 270 Outfits: DELETED PHOTO

 Lindsay Lohan packed 270 outfits for rehab. Just hours ago, she missed her flight from New York to Los Angeles for rehab.  She might have had too many suitcases, because she reportedly packed 270 outfits. A source said late this afternoon that Lohan has missed the opportunity all commercial flights out of she'll take a friend's private plane.

Somehow, we're not surprised.

Yesterday, with less than 24 hours to go before she was supposed to begin her court-ordered 90-day stint in rehab, Lindsay Lohan finally picked a treatment center. She decided to enter Morningside Recovery in Newport Beach, California.

Mean Girls star Lohan, 26, wanted to find somewhere she is allowed to smoke. She was planning to serve out her court-ordered stint at Seafield Center in Westhampton Beach, New York, but the facility has a strict no-smoking policy and they wouldn't cave for Lohan. Morningside, however, gives smoking in designated areas the A-OK.

If and when she makes it there, this will be the sixth time the actress goes to rehab.

On Instagram on Tuesday night, Lindsay Lohan wrote "90 days and 270 looks". She posted a photo of herself sitting amongst giant piles of clothes. Lohan later deleted the pic.

Lohan had quite a weekend. Apparently, she wanted to live it up before she has to clean up her act. She was spotted partying all around New York City and photographed leaving the club 10AK. Her car, a Porche was towed for being illegally parked. Lindsay was also snapped picking it up at the impound lot.

Lohan was sentenced to 90 days in "locked rehab," meaning she can't leave the premises unless there's an emergency, 30 days of community service, 18 months of psychotherapy, and ordered to pay fines and restitution to the other driver who involved in Lohan's car crash last summer.

Lohan's attorney, Mark Heller, has not yet confirmed his client will enter treatment at Morningside Recovery or that she has missed her plane. 

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