Amanda Bynes Jenny McCarthy Twitter Fight With Topless Photos and Police Rumors Now Over

The Amanda Bynes and Jenny McCarthy Twitter fight from earlier this week has settled, and the two stars have cleared the air with the same medium that started the imbroglio.

On Wednesday night, Amanda Bynes was busy tweeting pictures of herself topless. The usual midnight reveries that seem to make up the former Nickelodeon actresses slow descent into the clichéd black hole of former teenage stardom. But something different happened after she posted some topless shots to her Twitter timeline: Jenny McCarthy got involved.

The former MTV VJ and actress was concerned about Bynes like many who have followed her exploits over the last couple years; most notably her rapid-fire tweets, new pierced cheeks, and provocative self-shots, including these from Wednesday night. 

But then, the unabashed former teen television star, and now aspiring musician, got into a tiff with Jenny McCarthy on Twitter. McCarthy started a rumor that police had just led a raid into Bynes' New York City home. She tweeted out (before deleting)

"Police are at @AmandaBynes house. I hope they get her help. Enough of this circus. She needs help."

Bynes did not take kindly to the rumor from McCarthy. She responded in kind:

"@JennyMcCarthy I need help? What are u talking about? Aren't u 50 years old? I'm 27, u look 80 compared to me! Why are you talking about me?"

Before later adding this jewel, "@JennyMcCarthy You're ugly! Police weren't at my house old lady! Shut the f--k up!"

McCarthy later apologized for tweeting out the false story. 

"Sorry girl. Looking out for ya," before Bynes also apologized for their back-and-forth. 

"Thanks! I'm sorry I offended you!" Bynes responded. "You're beautiful! I was lying! I'll delete our tweets!"

Bynes' odd Twitter behavior isn't new. The former "She's the Man" actress moved to New York City after quitting acting, and started to send late night missives that confounded the Twitter followers of the former Nickelodeon sweetheart and led them to believe something was wrong. Then Bynes' new look came, with the piercings an about-face from her former cultivated . 

Some friends really are worried about her, and she's already gotten mulitple DUI arrests before claiming last month, on Twitter of course, she had an eating disorder. 

Maybe Jenny McCarthy wasn't so much wrong with her message, but simple the specifics: Amanda Bynes does need help, but will she accept it? 

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