Woman Harasses Ex-Boyfriend For $20, 10 Years After Breakup; Waterbury Connecticut Resident Carol Ann Mansfield Arrested For Trespassing

A Waterbury, Connecticut woman harassed her ex-boyfriend for $20, 10 years after her breakup, but she's now going to be putting that money towards bail. Carol Ann Mansfield was charged with trespassing and breach of the peace for showing up at the home of her ex-boyfriend and refusing to leave.

The pair dated and broke up in 2003, with Mansfield claiming that she loaned him the money at some point in their relationship. Last Thursday, she showed up on his porch and refused to leave until he gave her the money. When the ex-lover asked her to go away on several occasions, police reports claim that she only became more beligerrent.

The man eventually gave her the money in order to keep the argument from disturbing his neighbors and no longer disrupt his ongoing health problems, but she still refused to leave the property. He eventually called police and she was escorted off the premises, as well as arrested for trespassing and breach of the peace.

However, when her file was pulled up by police, Mansfield also had four other outstanding warrants for her arrest. She was also charged with hird-degree criminal mischief, three counts of first-degree criminal trespassing, eight counts of second-degree failing to appear in court, use of a motor vehicle without permission, three counts of probation violation and second-degree threatening.

The $20 was apparently not enough to post bail and Mansfield currently remains in jail. No date has been set for her trial.

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