No One Wants To Bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s Body, Cemeteries Refusing To Bury Boston Bomber’s According To Funeral Director

Every cemetery in the Northeast asked to bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s body is refusing to do the work. The Boston bomber’s body is yet to be buried despite the funeral home director reaching out to numerous cemeteries.

Authorities determined Tsarnaev died of gunshot wounds and blunt trauma to the head and torso after he was run over by his brother, who is also a suspect for the Boston bombing, after a firefight with the police.

Pete Stefan, a funeral home director in Worcester, Mass., told “Good Morning America” that he has already looked for plots in New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts to bury Tsarnaev, but no one wanted to accept the body for burial.

Stefan said, "Is he a terrorist? Sure he is a terrorist, but I can't control what he did. But the person is dead, and burying a dead body, that's all it is,"

Residents of Worcester, Mass, where Stefan’s funeral home is located, are furious that the body of Tamerlan Tsarnaev is still in the city.

A Worcester resident, William Breault who was interviewed by GMA said, “"What do you mean just leave it? They don't do that in this country and we bury the worst of the worst here.”

Meanwhile, investigators are still searching for more clues into where the Tsarnaev brothers built the bombs used in the Boston marathon attack.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev allegedly told investigators that his brother was the leader and author of the bombing plot, and that they actually made the bombs in the apartment that Tsarnaev shared with his wife, Katherine Russell.

According to Russell’s attorney, she was shocked by the bombings and had no prior knowledge of the attacks being planned.

ABC News have reported that the female DNA found on one of the bombs did not match Russell’s and the FBI is looking into what her husband may have told her during a phone call days after the Boston marathon bombings.

In addition, the father of Azamat Ismagulov, one of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s friend who was charged and arrested with conspiracy to obstruct justice for taking Dzhokhar’s laptop and trying to dump a backpack full of fireworks, told ABC News he could not believe that his son was implicated in the crimes.

Amir Ismagulov, Azamat’s father, told the press, "From the beginning, I did not believe and I do not believe right now that my son is guilty. I don't believe it."

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