Lindsay Lohan Talks Drug Use With Piers Morgan, Denies Drug Problem; Actress Is Currently In Court-Ordered Rehab At Betty Ford Clinic

Lindsay Lohan uses drugs, but doesn't have a drug problem. That's what she's claiming, at least. Before heading off to rehab, Lohan sat down with Piers Morgan for an interview in which she rattled off her drug use history and preferred substances. Lohan talked with Morgan about her now-current rehab stint and said that while the experience will be helpful for her career, her drug use isn't a problem and she may not necessarily need to be at the Betty Ford Clinic.

In the interview, Lohan said to Morgan that the media reports of her drug use were blown out of proportion. "I've never been a junkie, and never will be," she said. "I just like going out late to clubs with friends and listening to music. Always have done. It's not that unusual for girls who are 26!"

Morgan cut to the chase and asked Lohan about her reported cocaine use, but she claimed that her drugs of choice were ecstasy and pot. She also declared that she was "not a big drinker" and didn't start boozing regularly until she hit her 20s.

"I've only done [cocaine] maybe four or five times in my life," said Lohan. "I've never taken heroin either, never injected myself with anything, never done LSD. Those things all scare me."

When asked why someone who isn't a big drinker and occasionally dabbles in drugs needs multiple rehab stints, Lohan said she needed the time alone now in order to get people off her back and refocus on her career. However, while she described her current rehab stint as a "good thing," she also admitted it wasn't her first choice.

"I think there are other things I could do instead of going to a rehab center that would benefit me more," she said. "The best thing they could do for me would be to make me go abroad to different countries and work with children."

Lohan is currently undergoing treatment at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, CA, where she will stay until August 2. When she finishes her rehab stint, she has reportedly been hired by entertainment website Celebuzz to blog about lessons learned during her rehab experience.

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