UN Following German Porn Star On Twitter, Unfollowed After Discovery

The UN was following a German porn star on Twitter, which the MailOnline has described as “voluptuous.”

The official United Nations Twitter account follows foreign UN special missions, dignitaries and international heads of states, making the link between the international organization’s social network and the porn star’s official Twitter feed amusing.

A user on the website Free Republic reported the surprising after noticing it while browsing the 537 Twitter users the UN Twitter account is following.

In the middle of reviewing the users that the UN follows, @PBDBigBustyStar, a German porn star appeared. PBD stands for Penelope Black Diamond. She uses her official Twitter account to promote her website as well as her first softcore DVD.

Since the news, however, emerged that the UN was following an unconventional member of the international community; the world body’s Twitter account has unfollowed the German porn star.

Her name no longer appeals in the follow list and the count has dropped from a reported 537 to 536.

The active UN account has posted several tweets Monday and did not address the widely publicized, but now severed, digital connection with Penelope Black Diamond.

The MailOnline notes that since the discovery, the adult film actress has gained 1,000 followers and that the UN is following popstars Ricky Martin and Shakira.

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