Michael Jackson Autopsy Confirms Propofol Killed Him; Results Part Of Jackson Family Lawsuit Against AEG Live

An autopsy report on the late Michael Jackson confirms that Jackson died from an overdose of propofol, prescribed by Dr. Conrad Murray, who is currently serving a four-year prison sentence for involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death. Dr. Christopher Rogers noted in the autopsy report, part of a Jackson family lawsuit against AEG Live, that propofol (an anesthetic) killed Jackson, but several other sedatives Dr. Murray gave him also contributed to his death.

Los Angeles coroner's toxicologist Dan Anderson, who testified as part of the AEG Live lawsuit, said last Monday that the amount of propofol in Jackson's body was identical to what would be found in "major surgery anesthesia." Rogers also testified that Jackson did not have any signs of being addicted to street drugs, such as needle marks or disease, and was in good enough health to live a normal lifespan.

"There was no indication from the autopsy that there was anything anatomically wrong with him that would lead to premature death," said Rogers."

Jackson's mother and children are suing concert promoter AEG Live, claiming they are liable for his death because of the negligent hiring, retention and supervision of Murray. The singer's projected lifespan could be pivotal in calculating damages should the family win the trial because their lawyers are arguing that Jackson could have made billions if he lived a full life through several more world tours, recording, merchandizing and movies.

AEG Live is denying all accusations against them made in the lawsuit, claiming that Murray was a contract employee not part of their payroll and that there was no way they could have known he was giving Jackson excessive amounts of propofol.

Over the last 14 years, the LA coroner's office has found 31 deaths involving propofol, including six suicides committed by medical personnel who used the drug to end their lives.

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