12 Year Old Calls Out Cop: [WATCH VIDEO]

A 12-year-old called out a cop for parking like a jerk, and the video of their confrontation has gone viral. The brave boy also filmed his confrontation with the cop, and scores of people have weighed in admiring his bravery.

The "12-year-old calls out cop" video features Jeremy, the boy, confronting a police officer who is parking his motorcycle on the sidewalk, not the street. Jeremy, the boy who calls out the cop, seems a bit frustrated, saying ""Is there a reason for you to park on the sidewalk? Is it an emergency or anything?"

The cop tries to ignore him, but Jeremy keeps persisting. He follows the officer, baldly asks for identification, and give the officer a hard time for ignoring parking laws when he is supposed to represent the law itself. 

The officer gets frustrated and asks why Jeremy wants his identification. Jeremy says "Because I have a right to".

At this point, the cop starts hounding Jeremy for ID, which is ironic, considering he's 12 years old. Must be instinct. The officer scolds Jeremy for "loitering" and never tell shim his badge number. But Jeremy got his commeupance-because he posted the video to YouTube and it has over 3 million hits thus far. Watch the video of the brave 12-year-old boy calling out the cop here.

The cop ignores the convo as the 12-year-old calls him out, but Jeremy ballsily persists - following the officer, asking for his identification, and basically scootching the man for flouting parking laws himself as a representative of the law.

Finally, the exasperated 5-0 asks Jeremy why the kid wants his bade number, and the 12-year-old retorts:

"Because I have a right to."

At this juncture, the 12-year-old who calls out the cop is himself hounded for ID, a bizarre request for someone so visibly young. Jeremy explains he doesn't have an ID because he is a "minor". The officer ultimately chastises Jeremy for "loitering," and never gives up the badge number.

But Jeremy got his point across anyway - posting the clip to the web and snagging 3 million views so far. Here is the clip of the 12-year-old as he calls out the cop for bad parking:

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