Spoon Prison Escape: Russian Man Escapes From Maximum Security Prison With A Spoon And Bedsheets

Spoon prison escape: A Russian man escaped from prison with a spoon. Oleg Topalov, 32, escaped from a maximum security Russian prison unit using only a spoon and some bedsheets.

Topalov's spoon prison escape makes him the fourth man in 20 years to escape from the infamous prison. But Topalov, who was supposed to go to trial for two counts of murder, is also the first to break out of a detention center in Moscow in 12 years, possibly due to increased security.

Around 5am Tuesday morning, guards at the Matrosskaya Tishina prison in northern Moscow suddenly realized that Topalov was not in his cell. Topalov was in an eight-person cell, but the others didn't escape with him.

The prison, Matrosskaya Tishina, opened in 1918 and severely needs matinence and renovation. Authorities say the poorly-maintained walls and infastructure made relatively it easy for Topalov to escape with the spoon via digging.

The prison also has a legend surrounding it as one of Russia's worst, cruelest prisons, so perhaps Topalov had other reasons for wanting to escape.

"It was established that Oleg Topalov used a spoon to scrape away the cement and brickwork from the wall of the ventilation shaft in his cell," an investigator said to press.

Topalov was accused of two counts of murder and illegal possession of firearms, but he was being held in the prison while waiting to be tried. He had been in the Matrosskaya Tishina prison for a year and a half.

Kristina Belousova, Russian Federal Penitentiary Service representative, told press "Because of the building being run-down, Topalov had no difficulty in widening the vent of the air-shaft, through which he got to the prison's roof," Topalov then jumped from the roof onto another building and climbed down to the ground using rope he had made from bed sheets.

Yes, really. Apparently, Russia is a movie where digging out of prison with a spoon, jumping between buildings, and turning bedsheets into rope work without a hitch.

Moscow police are searching for Topalov after his spoon prison escape and are offering a "large reward".

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