Charlie Sheen In Court, Custody Of Brooke Mueller's Boys Awarded To Denise Richards, Conditions Shocking

Charlie Sheen in court: Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards have become amicable as exes, even if they fought as a couple-and, in court on Tuesday, they seemed to agree to work together.  Sheen and Richards left court after a hearing regarding Richards  assuming temporary custody of Sheen and his ex-wife Brooke Mueller's 4-year-old sons, Max and Bob, while Mueller goes to rehab for her drug addiction. Richards, 42, exited the court in a black suit, appearing serious but calm, as if she understood the gravity of the situation-but Sheen, 47, wore a blue suit and hammed it up, as usual-flashing a thumbs-up sign and shaking hands with waiting fans. Odd place to do a meet and greet but, well, it's Charlie Sheen.

Last week, the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services took Sheen's twin boys from Brooke Mueller's care, stemming from allegations that she is still using drugs. Mueller, 35, has struggled with addiction for years and been in and out of rehab. Brooke Mueller, apparently hadn't been living at the home for several weeks; her whereabouts while she was gone are unknown. Now, she is currently in UCLA Medical Center waiting for a  bed in rehab. She will soon be moved "directly into a residential treatment facility to get help for prescription drug abuse," said a rep. She has publicly struggled with addiction for several years.

The twins came to the hearing with Sheen and Richards, but what the exact charges related to their fate are remain to be seen.  The judge in the case has a strict gag order on everyone involved, probably to protect the boys. Sheen hinted this to reporters by making the classic "zipping my lips, throwing away the key" gesture outside the courthouse. Apparently, though, a report regarding the conditions of Mueller's house was "shocking", according to one source.

While Mueller seeks treatment, Richards - the mother of Sheen's two daughters, Sam, 9, and Lola, 7, has generously volunteered to care for the boys for an undetermined amount of time that may be longer than previously thought. Both Sheen and Mueller support her in this and agree it's the best thing. Last week, Sheen said in a statement that he was glad knowing Max and Bob were "safe and in a stable, loving environment with Denise and the boys's sisters," and that Sheen would "fully cooperate and fully participate in all proceedings."

About the arrangement, Richards said, "They're our family and they're Sam and Lola's brothers, and I can't imagine growing up without my sister, so anytime she needs help, I'm there for the boys. [Sam and Lola] are the best big sisters to [the boys] and they love them. I know it doesn't seem normal, but it is our normal. They're little kids and I love children, and like I said, it's our daughter's brothers, so I can't say no."

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