David Bowie 'The New Day' Video Removed By YouTube, Who Admits 'Wrong Call' Before Reinstating [VIDEO]

David Bowie's newest video for "The New Day" stars Gary Oldman and Marion Cottilard, but it was removed from YouTube in what the site is calling a "mistake." The video is back and here to watch.

David Bowie's latest short video for the song "The New Day," features some heavy religious imagery, including one scene depicting Bowie as Jesus Christ.

That's not all though, Marion Cottilard is shown bleeding from apparent stigmata marks.

The video was temporarily removed from YouTube over the overt religious imagery associated with the video, but YouTube admitted making the "wrong call" in removing the video, and reinstated it with an adult content warning.

YouTube said in a statement: "With the massive volume of videos on our site, sometimes we make the wrong call. When it's brought to our attention that a video has been removed mistakenly, we act quickly to reinstate it." 

England's former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, has called the video "juvenile," the Telegraph reports. Carey went on in his denounement of the religious video and even asked whether Bowie would have the stones to make one featuring Muslim imagery.

"If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery perhaps Christians should not worry too much at such an exploitation of religious imagery.I doubt that Bowie would have the courage to use Islamic imagery - I very much doubt it. Frankly, I don't get offended by such juvenilia - Christians should have the courage to rise above offensive language, although I hope Bowie will recognise that he may be upsetting some people."

Lord Carey isn't the only one upset with David Bowie's "The New Day" video. Jay Lowder of Harvest Ministries told Fox News

"The video is offensive and distasteful. It is a misrepresentation of the multitudes of clergy who have given their lives to help hurting people. Undeniably, some clergy have misused their position, but to focus on these few is a character assault of their position and call. Bowie's verse claiming 'they work with Satan while they dress like saints,' is to attribute God's work through man as being sinister and evil in its origin. I find it hard to excavate any level of truth or reality from this video except Jesus was continually in the midst of those who were blind and sinful."

Other musicians, most notably Lady Gaga and Madonna, have used religious imagery to upset the delicate Christian establishment, most notably in Madonna's "Like a Prayer" video which was used in a Pepsi ad and roundly denounced by religious groups who attempted to boycott Pepsi over the song. Critics, however, loved the Madonna song, and it appears David Bowie hasn't lost his ability to titilate even after his long layoff from releasing new music. 

"The Next Day" is the title track of Bowie's comback album of the same name. 

David Bowie's last video for "The Stars (are Out Tonight)" featured Oscar winning actress, Tilda Swinton, and Bowie previously worked with Gary Oldman in a duet on guitarist Reeves Gabrels' 1995 album "The Sacred Squall of Now." 

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