NRA Takes a Bullet for Top-Heavy Ex-Girlfriend Target Display, Already Under Fire for Bloomberg/Nazi Comparison

The National Rifle Association got blasted by critics for allowing a target called “The Ex,” designed to look like a busty ex-girlfriend that bleeds when you shoot it, to be displayed at their weekend convention in Houston. The NRA convention was already under fire for comments made by Glenn Beck comparing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is Jewish, to a Nazi.

Senior staff attorney Laura Cutilletta of the Law Center to Prevent Violence shot out, “This is outrageous and dangerous. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the United States. This reprehensible product stokes the fire of relationship violence which already claims far too many of our mothers, daughters and sisters.”

Zombie Industries, which manufactures the target under its “Tactical Bleeding Zombies” line, insisted that they meant no harm by designing a target that lets gun enthusiasts shoot at a "sexy-ex" replica. The company’s marketing director, Roger Davis, said, “The intention of the company was never to discriminate against women or promote violence against women.” The company is committed to a non-discriminating platform. Their website says "To discriminate against Women by not having them represented in our product selection would be just plain sexist.” Only one of their line of 15 zombie targets (which included a target that looked so much like President Obama that the NRA put a silencer on it) is female.

Zombie Industries have since changed the name of the dummy to “Alexa Zombie.”

by Tony Sokol

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