FBI Never Told Boston Or Massachusetts Police About Russian Terror Connections Of Boston Marathon Bombers

The FBI never told the Boston police or the Massachusetts State Police about possible Russian terror connections of the suspected Marathon bombers until three and half days after the attack, law enforcement officials testified today before the House Homeland Security Committee, according to ABC News.

"My fear is that the Boston bombers succeeded because our system failed," said committee chairman Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas).

Boston police commissioner Ed Davis told McCaul that his department was not told before the bombing that the FBI had opened an investigation into Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011, or that Tsarnaev had traveled to the North Caucasus in 2012, even though he had three detectives and a sergeant assigned to the Joint Terror Task Force with the FBI.

"Would you have liked to known that?" asked McCaul.

"Yes," said Davis, although he said later it was not clear that the knowledge would have prevented the bombings.

In a statement released today, the FBI said the Boston police department not only had access to the shared counter-terrorism incident management system, but the BPD "specifically had representatives assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force squad that conducted the 2011 Assessment of deceased terrorism suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev."

"State and local law enforcement personnel, analysts and FBI personnel at Fusion Centers who have the appropriate security clearances are afforded the same unrestricted access as their FBI colleagues," the FBI said.

The Boston police commissioner also revealed at the hearings that not a single student at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth called police after surveillance pictures of the other suspected bomber, 19-year old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a student at the school, were made public.

Authorities believe Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were responsible for detonating a pair of bombs near the finish line at the Boston Marathon April 15, killing three, including an 8-year-old boy, and injuring more than 260 others. Tamerlan was killed in a shootout with police days after the attack, while Dzhokhar was injured and later captured.

While the hearing in Washington was underway, police in Worcester revealed that the body of Tamerlan Tsarnaev had been removed from the city "and is now entombed" at a location that was not disclosed, according to ABC News.

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