Student Lectures Teacher For Not Teaching In Viral YouTube Video[VIDEO]

Jeff Bliss, a student at Duncanville High School in Duncanville, Texas, made national headlines when a YouTube Video was shot of him lecturing his teacher.

Bliss had lost his cool when his teacher told him that he asks too many questions in class. The student then got up and criticized the teacher for not teaching, and just handing out pamphlets during class. Along with many other lines that Jeff threw at his teacher, here are some of the highlights:

"You want kids to come into your class, you want them to get excited for this? You gotta come in here, you gotta make them excited. You want a kid to change and start doing better? You gotta touch his frickin' heart."

"You've gotta take this job serious," Bliss continues.

"This is the future of this nation. When you come in here like you did last time and make a statement like, 'Oh this is my paycheck' -- indeed it is. But this is my country's future and my education," he adds.

The other kids in the class have supported Jeff saying that the teacher never teaches, and just gives the class busywork. They also say that the teache curses frequently and just talks about her "paycheck" instead of actually saying meaninful lessons. 

You can hear the teacher cowardly telling Jeff to "just get out." Although his words were true and meaningful, he used many profanities scoring him a meeting in the principals office in the morning. Although, with the backlash that the school has been getting, it is unclear weather Jeff will be scolded or praised. 

The video has gone viral with with hundreds of thousands of hits, putting the school district in heat.

The principal has stated:

"He makes a number of valid statements about how classrooms across America need to change and we view this as an opportunity to have more conversations about transforming our schools to better meet the needs of our students."

"As a district with a motto of Engaging Hearts and Minds we focus on building positive relationships with students and designing engaging work that is meaningful. We want our students and teachers to be engaged in learning every day, and want classrooms to be reflective of that."

On Wednesday, the school district told CBS, "We want our students and teachers to be engaged, but the method by which the student expressed his concern could have been handled in a more appropriate way."

The amount of online comments supporting Jeff and his mature views are mounting up. He is being recognized as a foward thinker and a hero. But Jeff tell reports he "doesn't want to be looked up to. I'm just a regular person."

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