Israeli Warns the U.S. That Russia Is Selling Missiles to Syria

Israeli sources warned United States authorities that a Russia deal to sell missiles to Syria is imminent. According to published reports, the information is being analyzed. The Russian missile batteries are capable of intercepting manned aircraft and guided batteries.

According to the WSJ, Syria has making payments to purchase four batteries for 900 million from a 2010 agreement with Russia. The paper reported that the latest transaction took place this year. The package included six launchers and 144 operational missiles that each has a range of up to 200 miles. It was expected to be delivered in three months.

The sale came at the same time Secretary of State John Kerry was trying to get Russia’s help in bringing the end of the Syrian conflict and aid in facilitating a political transaction in Syria. More than 70,000 people have been killed in the fighting. John Kerry said the transfer of advanced missile defense systems from Russia to Syria would be a "destabilizing" factor for Israel's security.

Speaking to reporters on Air Force One en route to Texas, White House spokesman Jay Carney said that the administration is aware of the reports and is disappointed that Russia continues to support the Assad regime. Carney said, "We have consistently called on Russia to cut off the Assad regime's supply of Russian weapons including air defense systems that are destabilizing to the region," Carney said. "We have also long said that Russia could play a more constructive role in Syria."

It was announced by the White House that British Prime Minister David Cameron will meet with President Obama next Monday in Washington to discuss the Syrian situation.

In an opinion article published in the Chicago Tribune yesterday, George Sabra, acting president of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces, one of the leaders of the section of the Syria opposition that is backed by the west, complained about the lack of action against Syria’s President Bashar Assad’s regime for the alleged use of chemical weapons. Sabra said "the administration's reluctance will only embolden the Assad regime, as well as other rogue governments that might possess chemical and biological weapons. U.S. inaction is giving the Assad regime, after two years of wanton bloodshed, a green light to take even more outrageous steps to kill innocents. This undermines America's moral leadership."

On Tuesday, President Obama defended his cautious approach, saying he will make decisions based on facts and not “on a hope and a prayer." Obama has said that Syrian chemical weapons use would cross a “red line” and be a “game-changer. The President said there was insufficient evidence to take action or allow him to unite U.S. allies behind a response.

Sabra called on Washington and his allies to support his group, which is commonly called the Syrian National Coalition. He told the paper, "The time has come for assertive U.S. action to lead international efforts to end the bloodshed." He made a call to the international community to "urge the United Nations and Russia to send an unequivocal message to Assad to refrain from using chemical weapons and ballistic missiles against his people. The international community must also establish safe zones with protected air space from any shelling or missiles to allow for the free movement of Syrian refugees back into their country, and the delivery of humanitarian aid to internally displaced people. Also, it should provide medical facilities and supplies for injured civilians.”

The Obama administration has not responded to the opinion piece.

by Tony Sokol

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