Wrigley Pulls Gum Off Market, FDA Launching Caffeine Investigation Of 'Alert' Gum, May Investigate All Added Ingredients

Wrigley pulls gum off the market as a health investigation begins. Wrigley is pulling caffeinated gum off the market as the FDA launches an investigation into the safety of caffeine-added food for children. On Wednesday, Wrigley announced that it will, for the time being, halt sales and marketing of Alert caffeinated gum after discussions with the FDA. 

Wrigley President Casey Keller said they are taking the new caffeinated gum off the market "out of respect". Just as Wrigley rolled out Alert late last month, the FDA announced it would investigate the health effects of caffeine on children and adolescents.

"After discussions with the FDA, we have a greater appreciation for its concern about the proliferation of caffeine in the nation's food supply," Keller said to The Associated Press. "There is a need for changes in the regulatory framework to better guide the consumers and the industry about the appropriate level and use of caffeinated products."

The FDA's deputy commissioner of foods, Michael Taylor, praised the move, saying Wrigey's decision "demonstrates real leadership and commitment to the public health...We hope others in the food industry will exercise similar restraint

One stick of Alert has about the same amount of caffeine as half a cup of coffee. Wrigley has paused production and sales in order to give the FDA time to do research and regulate caffeine-added products, which have proliferated in recent years in products from such as jelly beans, chips, nuts, and energy drinks.

The first and only time the FDA explicitly approved the added use of caffeine in a was back in the 1950s for sodas. Commissioner Taylor said the current abundance of caffeine-added foods is "beyond anything [the] FDA envisioned." They're currently investigating energy drinks and energy shots due to consumer reports of illness and death.

Critics say that many of the foods containing added caffeine are marketed to children. While companies claim they are marketing the products to adults, the packagaing and types of foods are often appealing to children. Medical associations have cautioned that too much caffeine may be dangerous for children and has been linked to problems with developing cardiovascular and neurologic systems. Children have less ability to process caffeine than adults, they warn.

Taylor said the FDA may even look closer at the way all foods ingredients are currently regulated as a result of the caffeine investigation. For now, Wrigley's gum is pulled, but numerous other products are available. Or, well, coffee.

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