"Cold Blooded" Ariel Castro May Face Death Penalty, Says He Was A Sex Addict; DNA Proves Castro Fathered Victim's Child In Captivity [VIDEO]

Cold blooded" Ariel Castro may face the death penalty. Ariel Castro said he was "cold blooded" and didn't show remorse, according to a new report. He told police that he was a sex addict and couldn't control himself, blaming the victims for his actions. His family has confirmed that he had a "dark side", leading them to move out of the Cleveland house.

Ariel Castro is accused of kidnapping, raping, and abusing three women. He allegedly kept Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus captive for over a decade.

Castro appeared in court yesterday morning. He stared at the floor the entire time.

Wearing a blue jumpsuit and flanked by guards, Castro didn't look at judge Lauren Moore or the bank of TV cameras inside the courtroom. The judge set the bond at $8 million.

Prosecutor Brian Murphy said in court that Castro had kidnapped the women for his "self gratifying and self serving ways," and that Castro had "made a premeditated decision to snatch three young ladies off the street."

The women were beaten, sexually assaulted, and never allowed to leave. One woman, Amanda Berry, has a six year old daughter by Castro. A DNA test proved that Castro was indeed the father. There were multiple miscarriages, but the women were beaten too badly for their pregnancies to come to term. Berry was the first victim to escape last week.

Of the "cold blooded" Ariel Castro, Murphy said "Mr Castro stands before you a captive, in captivity, a prisoner, and the women are free. Free to resume their lives with the promise that justice will be served to protect the victims and the community he manipulated and deceived."


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