Dennis Rodman Rips Obama Over North Korea: "He can't do sh*t"

Dennis Rodman said he will go back to North Korea in August to plead Kim Jong-un to release an American citizen sentenced to 15 years hard labor, because Barack Obama "can't do sh*t," he told TMZ. The former basketball star will attempt to reopen the political dialogue to free Kenneth Bae, who was charged with planning to overthrow the government.

In the past, Rodman has expressed his frustration towards President Obama, who he believes has been ineffective in trying to advocate for Bae's release.

"We got a black president [who] can't even go talk to [Jong-un] ... Obama can't do s---, I don't know why he won't go talk to him."

Rodman and Jong-un, North Korea's "dear leader" have a unique relationship: Jong-un was once a big face of the NBA Bulls team that Rodman used to play for. The basketball star stresses that he is "no diplomat," despite his efforts to return to North Korea to plead for the release of Bae.

"I'm gonna try and get the guy out," Rodman told TMZ. "It's gonna be difficult."

Rodman has attempted to get the two country's leaders to participate in a discussion for some time now, with little avail.

The former basketball star has even tried to use social media to attract support for Bae his cause, as well as reached out to Jong-Un on Twitter.

"I'm calling on the Supreme Leader of North Korea or as I call him 'Kim,' to do me a solid and cut Kenneth Bae loose," Rodman said on Twitter.

Bae is a naturalized U.S. citizen born in South Korea. He was arrested on November 3 in Rason, North Korea, while escorting five European tourists. He was later sentenced to 15 years behind bars for allegedly endangering national security.

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