Alligator Catches Fleeing Suspect: 20-Year-Old Allegedly Flees From The Cops After Being Pulled Over And Is Attacked By The Gator [VIDEO]

Alligator catches fleeing suspect Thursday, allowing the police to find him at a St. Petersburg, Fla. hospital because of the wounds from the gator.

Bryan Zuniga, 20, ran from the police after he was pulled over Thursday in St. Petersburgh. After running from the officers, he ended up near a water treatment plant, according to WTSP, where an alligator catches fleeing suspect, biting the 20-year-old.

Pinellas County deputies in Florida pulled over Zuniga around 2:45 a.m. for failing to stay in a single lane, authorities told WTSP. Once he stopped, he jumped out of the passenger-side door, and ran, kicking and breaking a vinyl fence to escape before an alligator catches fleeing suspect.

He was found a few hours later at a local hospital where he was being treated for multiple puncture wounds to his face, arm and armpit area, according to the news station.

At the hospital, Zuniga told deputies he was attacked by an alligator near a water treatment plant in unincorporated St. Petersburg. Upon his release from the hospital, Zuniga was arrested and charged with breaking fences, fleeing, driving with a suspended license and resisting an officer without violence.

"Karma! Karma comes back at you," one neighbor said about the arrest of Zuniga. "When you do trouble, trouble comes to you." This same neighbor said the neighborhood considers him a "punk."

Florida Fish and Wildlife officials said they will look into the case and protocol forces them to put down any gator that attacks a human. Carey Brodnick disagreed because she said the alligator was watching over the waterway because she recently laid eggs.

"He got in her way," Brodnick said. "She was protecting her eggs."

Zuniga is being held on close to $6,500 bond and will go before a judge Friday morning.

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