Justin Beiber Posting Picture Of Himself On Instagram Drinking A Beer In The Jungle

During a string of questionable behavior, Justin Beiber, 19, posted pictures on Instagram drinking beer in the Jungle.

With an Amstel in his hand and a goofy grin plastered on his face, the Instagram shows an underage Beiber getting hammered with his buddy for all his Beliebers to see.

The instagram caption read "beers in the jungle," because he's currently in South America on tour, enjoying the more lenient laws.

Though Justin is currently in a country where the drinking age is 18, and he's not doing anything wrong per se, he's not exactly being a great role model to the millions of fans that idolize him.

This isn't Beib's first time having a sip of alcohol. The teen who is two years short of the US drinking age was seen last year with Selena Gomez on a dinner dinner date where the two had drinks at their table.  They were in Australia, where the drinking age is also 18.

But alcohol isn't the only issue with Justin Beiber. TMZ reported earlier this year that he was smoking pot with a pal. He was caught with a mysterious cigarette with pal, rapper Lil Z, at a Los Angeles home.

Last month, Stockholm police discovered narcotics aboard the "Boyfriend" singer's tour bus during a raid while he was busy performing a concert at the city's Globe Arena. No one was charged since investigators couldn't prove whom the drugs belonged to.

But the Canadian pop star is quickly shedding his likable image. He now comes across as considerably less charming to the average American, a recent poll found. Bieber was unfavorably rated by 54 percent of respondents questioned by Public Policy Polling, finishing behind only Chris Brown.

Bieber, who's worth an estimated $110 million, downplayed his recent flood of bad headlines. "I'm young and I make mistakes," he told US Weekly. "That's part of growing up."

But concerned parents across America are rethinking whether they want their children to be Beliebers.  

Justin can do whatever he wants to do but does he have to post his every move over the internet? Some things should remain a mystery. Do you agree?

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