Lindsay Lohan Wants Out Of Betty Ford Clinic ; Lindsay To Flee After Drug Adderall Gets Taken Away[VIDEO]

Lindsay Lohan, the troubled 26-year-old actress who was forced to check into rehab at The Betty Ford Clinic, wants out of the facility because doctors have taken away her supply of Adderall.

Lindsay uses the highly addictive drug Adderall for her alleged ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Doctors at Betty Ford prefer to treat the ailment with non-addictive Adderall alternatives.  The drug is not recommended to anyone over the age 15. Lindsay is infuriated and after just one week wants out.

As a court order, Lindsay has to attend rehab for 90 days or there will be a warrant out for her arrest. Lohan is so addicted to the pill that she is planning her escape from the rehab center.

Lohan was previously told she would be allowed to take the prescription drug Adderall to treat her Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Lohan had previously requested permission to take her medication while at rehab in early April.  She has already persuaded the facility to let her smoke cigarettes as well.

The celeb gave a revealing interview to Piers Morgan and The Daily Mail several weeks before committing herself to court-ordered rehab.  Lohan denies being addicted to drugs and says that she had used cocaine only "four or five times in her life." She also calls rehab "a joke," saying that far more effective "would be to make me go abroad to different countries and work with children."

The first reports about Lindsay Lohan's demand for Adderall while in rehab surfaced towards the beginning of April. The actress allegedly said that she would refuse to check into a facility if she wasn't given access to the drug.

Lindsay's lawyer announced, "Patients traditionally apprise facilities of what medications, if any, they're prescribed, and after a full series of medical evaluations, each facility determines what medications, if any, are going to be allowed. This is never dictated by the patient. It's always determined by medical staff who are well qualified."

Addrerall is a strong drug and should not be taken lightly. Addy pills are also highly addictive, cause mood swings, and weight loss. It's not difficult to see why they're not welcome at the rehab facility

Even in countries where Adderall is legally available on prescription, it is recognized as a drug with a high potential for abuse, and supplies of it are often limited. Additionally there are concerns regarding the prescription of Adderall to children; for example in the UK, physicians are advised to refrain from prescribing Adderall to children under five in any circumstances and to prescribe it to children over five only if no other viable options are available.

In some counties, concerns over Adderall are so strong that it is banned completely, even for prescription use.

Adderall is a cocktail of several active ingredients that include amphetamine salts, an active ingredient in many ADHD medications. These amphetamines are thought to treat ADHD by blocking the reuptake of  dopamine from the neural synapses and increasing the uptake into subsequent neurons. The increased dopamine flow in the frontal cortex then allows the brain to carry on its executive functions as a normal brain would, thus counteracting the effects of ADHD (6). But what happens when a brain whose executive functions work properly, such as Lindsay, is treated with such a powerful stimulant?

Other side effects of this drug include being irritable while under the influence and feeling as though one's creativity has been stifled in the name of creating order out of disorder and doing the one task at hand

 "These medications allow you to be more structured and more rigid. That's the opposite of the impulsivity of creativity," says Dr. Heiligenstein of the University of Wisconsin. 

Lohan already has mood swings as you can see her crying on talk shows and in court.  She doesn't need a mind-altering drug while in rehab or she is never going to get clean for real.  This is Lohan's 6th stint in rehab and she gets away with smoking cigarettes.  She should not be allowed to take any stimulants of any kind. Do you agree?

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