Missing Kansas Girl Found: 18-Month-Old Girl Found A Week After Her And Murdered Mother Went Missing A Week Earlier

Missing Kansas girl found in Osage County Sunday, which is a county over from where the 18-month-old girl might have been killed along with her mother and two other men.

Police have identified the body of the missing Kansas girl found to more than likely be the body of the 18-month-old baby girl.

Authorities told the Associated Press that they believe the missing Kansas girl found Sunday must have been dumped in Osage County by Kyle Flack, the man allegedly responsible for the death of 18-month-old Lana Bailey, her mother, 21-year-old Kaylie Bailey and 30-year-old Andrew Stout.

An Osage County deputy found the girl's body on Saturday. County Sheriff Jeff Richards said it was necessary for the Bailey family's sake to find the body after her and her mother went missing a week ago.

"The family needed to have this so they can move on," Richards said at a Sunday news conference. "This helps bring some closure to them. It helps bring closure to all of this investigative team. A crime like this takes an emotional toll, especially when it's a child."

Flack, who served more than four years in a Kansas prison for second-degree attempted murder, was charged with multiple counts of first-degree murder in those deaths, as well as that of the death of 31-year-old Steven White.

Franklin County Attorney Stephen Hunting told the AP Friday that a gun was used against the victims at the farm, but declined to say whether they had been shot. A possible motive for these killings has been released yet.

Flack was expected to appear in court early next week.

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