Dennis Rodman To Rescue Detained American, Kenneth Bae, From North Korea And 'Friend' Kim Jong-Un Because Barack Obama 'Can't Do S—t'

Dennis Rodman plans to return to North Korea in an effort to rescue detained Korean American, Kenneth Bae, after North Korea's Kim Jong-Un sentenced the man to 15 years' hard labor. Rodman says Barack Obama "can't do s--t." 

Dennis Rodman told TMZ he wasn't very happy with the way America has handled its talks with North Korea over the detained American, saying "We got a black President who can't even go talk to him. How about that one?"

Rodman recently announced his plans to visit North Korea again on August 1 of this year. He plans to secure the release of the 44-year-old Korean American, Kennneth Bae, who has been held doing hard labor in North Korea and has been sentenced to 15 years for supposed plans to overthrow the government. 

The former NBA basketball player, Dennis Rodman, has struck up a friendship with North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong-Un after a visit in February with Vice, where the two discussed their mutual love of basketball, which is why Kim Jong-Un reportedly agreed to meet the Hall of Fame forward, Rodman. 

Because of that unlikely friendship, Rodman believes he's the best chance for Bae's release. 

Said Rodman: "I'm gonna try and get the guy out...It's gonna be difficult."

Last week, Rodman tweeted out a message to Kim Jong-Un to " me a solid and cut Ken Bae loose."

American officials have been in contact with Bae's family in the mean-time, and they told ABC News they are calling on the North Korean government to grant Bae amnesty, so he can return to America. 

It was Rodman's words about American President that drew the most notice, though. After he said "Obama can't do s**t, I don't know why he won't go talk to him," a short while later, he said, "Obama? F**k him!"

Ironically, if Rodman had said those words about President Kim Jong-Un, as a North Korean, he would probably be sentenced to death or a lifetime of hard labor under constant guard. 

But Rodman, who insists "I'm not a diplomat," is afforded the freedom of speech to curse out of the President of the United States because it's a Constitutional right, something North Korean citizens can only dream about. 

Said Rodman about the brutal and tyrannical Kim Jong-Un rule over communist North Korea: "I don't condone what he does, but as far as a person to person, he's my friend."

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